Monday, November 17, 2008

FINAL EXAM?!...hmmmmm's been long time since I posted the blog. I've been busy struggling in my final examination. I hope that my efforts will reward me a better result than previous semester.

During exam's period, I'm preferred not to stay in my house in sek.7. I lived at my uncle house (anjang) at sek.20. Hmm, tak tahu la, dah memang habit tak suka tinggal kt rumah sendiri masa exam..bertapa nk cari aura baru..hehe. Even masa dip dulu pon, suka merayau kat bilik-bilik orang, tak study sangat dalam bilik sendiri. Perubahan lokasi for study helps me a lot in reducing my stress.

I tak boleh tengok orang study hard, nanti jadi risau and it will reduced my confidence. I don't really like when people asking me a spontaneous question, because it makes my brain feel irritating and all will be messed up!. Maybe I ni jenis orang yang tak suka tergesa-gesa, and suka ikut kata hati.

I juga memang selalu juga spot soalan exams, because I'm not so into reading subjects and there are a lot of subjects/chapters to be covered. Usually, I don't have enough time to covered all the chapters. Moreover, during examination, usually I missed to answer 1 question (which cost me 20/25/100 marks!) due to insufficient time (for me) to answers all the questions. Plus, the scarier part is that there are some students who have managed to answers all the questions with 2 answer booklets!...Damn! I feel that I'm the stooooopidest girl laaaaa...shame on me! but Alhamdulillah, even I don't managed to answers all the questions, I never failed in any papers. I hope that the 'failed' word will always be not around me for now, and in the future...choy! choy! choy!

I always wondered, how could I take these programme, because I definitely don't like to do reading!, but somehow there are always be HIKMAH besides all things that had happened to me. So, I have to REDHA, and move on with my life.


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